Modesty: The King’s Daughter

The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. (Psalm 45:13).

The king’s daughter is no ordinary girl. She is special. Think about it, everything about her is special. To start with, she lives in a special house called palace. She goes to special school, walks with special people and receives special attention from her parents. But the worth of the king’s daughter is not only external. The verse above tells us that she is internally and externally beautiful.

Internally, she is glorious. Something glorious is having glory; magnificently beautiful and splendidly adorned. It is good looking and nice. God sees everyone and everything! He, as King, looks at His daughter and finds her forgiven, clean and righteous within. No secret sin. No rebellion and no wrinkle or stain. That is the king’s daughter for you!

Externally, the king’s daughter is wearing a garment of gold. That shows the quality of her life and behavior. We see quality in her, quality on her and in all she does. This is no cheap lady. She goes to the right places, moves with the right people and does everything to honor her father the King. You can’t get her involved in immorality, occult practices or any scandal. 

She is a true child of the King! Dear reader, are you a girl and can we call you also the King’s daughter? Will the King of kings call you His own daughter? And you boys are you also children of the King? It’s not difficult to belong to Jesus the King. Repent of your sins today, and surrender your life to Him. Then, open up your heart and life to Him and accept Him as your Savior. That’s how to get the royal blood flowing through your veins. You will then become the King’s son or daughter indeed.

Challenge: Character is what remains after God’s fire has consumed my weaknesses.

Payer: God, please make my life beautiful for your glory.

via: Higher Everyday {Youths}
4th June {Higher Everyday}

Are YOU the King’s Daughter? 

Be blessed!