Movie Time: “OPPRESSED”

Wow! What a powerful movie! I had goosebumps and was teary-eyed while watching this movie. So real, so deep and so penetrative to the heart! This movie revealed the harsh realities of our generation pertaining to young people and the inevitability of having Jesus Christ in one’s life in order to overcome the youthful lusts. 

Jesus Christ truly is the source of life, peace, and joy. This movie really demonstrates that “the steps of the righteous are ordered by God” (Psalm 37:23). God knows how to lead us to the right places, and to the right people in fulfillment of His divine plan for our lives and others. 

This movie also showed the need to always cease every opportunity to preach the raw gospel to sinners around us, especially those close to us and not shy away – we will never know how God has packaged the gospel to positively effect the lives around us through us if we keep our mouths shut about Christ the Savior! Lord Jesus help me to be a faithful ambassador of yours wherever I go! 

Awesome movie. I encourage you to watch! It is healthy a dose of spiritual entertainment. 

Movie starts at ‘8:30’ in the video.

I pray you are blessed!