My Conversion Story: The Night of Redemption (PART 2)

Jesus Christ saved me from sexual sin. Before Christ, I was involved in the sinful act of masturbation and viewing films that contained explicit sexual content. I did not view ‘hardcore’ pornography, but I would purposely seek out sexual scenes in movies by reading the description to be sure that it would display a sexual act in order to gratify the desire of my flesh. I also read books and novels that were explicit in sexual content. Masturbation is the act of stimulating one’s genitals to gain sexual pleasure. This is an act that actually starts very early in the lives of many children. Children learn at a young age to stimulate their genitals which they find pleasurable, and most continue doing it even into adulthood. Masturbation is a sin because by stimulating the genitals one is apt to ignite sexual pleasure and imagination that should only be entertained under the umbrella of marriage. Essentially, masturbation is a perversion of God’s intended purpose for human sexuality – it is a cheap and filthy manner of attaining sexual pleasure.

Masturbation is also a sin because from experience after one has been indulged in it, there is a pang of strong guilt that hovers the individual. This guilt does not inspire the person to put a stop to the act. In fact, the desire to do it next time only increases and added to that is more guilt. Masturbation is a stronghold and is addictive. Only Jesus Christ can set one free from this great sin! Jesus also saved me from anger and bitterness. On several occasions before Christ, I would wake up in the morning angry and bitter at everyone in my household. When I was corrected by my parents for doing something wrong, I thought they hated me and that correction would fuel my anger the more. I would go days just angry for no reasonable reason. No one could console me. There were even times I wouldn’t talk to the people in my own home! It was really bad. This anger affected me physically. I looked frail and lost weight! It was serious. 

After I gave my life totally to Jesus Christ, I gained an overwhelmingly awesome desire for the things of God. I loved going to church, reading my bible, volunteering to help out at church events, going to church early to clean and set up the sanctuary, even traveling long distances only to attend a church program – ultimately offering myself for the use of God in the church. I had found the One whom my soul loved and I desired nothing more than to be with Him and to be immersed in His presence. The closer I drew to the Lord, the farther I became to the things that previously drove me away from God. I had written all types of self-centered comments and phrases on my Bible, but when I came to Christ I took a white-out and wiped all those filth and erased those that were erasable. In retrospect, this act was very symbolic of what had been done in the spirit realm as Christ erased all my sins with His blood as I trusted in His saving power by confessing and forsaking my sins! Praise the Lord! I stopped listening to any music that did not glorify God. In addition, I was determined that the sin of masturbation will not have dominion over me in my new life in Jesus Christ. I told God and was determined I did not want to do it again! 

With much prayer, God absolutely and miraculously severed the cord of desire to masturbate from me. I no longer wanted to do it anymore, it was dirty to me and as a cleansed saint I couldn’t afford to wallow in the mud of sin any longer! Till date, the Righteous right hand of the Lord still upholds me from yielding to the sin of masturbation. When I become tempted, the Spirit of God gives me the strength and power to not yield. Bitterness and anger continued for some time even after I had surrendered my life to Jesus. But over time, I was gradually overcoming it. Various sermons and bible studies preached at my church along with serious prayer aided in my overcoming. Now, whenever I sense bitterness or anger coming on, I replace it with an act of love. It is amazing the growth and transformation I have attained in Christ Jesus! Jesus has given me the grace to reflect His life. I have learned so much since the day I asked Jesus to come and make His abode in my life and guide me through life. It has not always been easy, but His grace has ever been sufficient for me to keep on the narrow path that leads to eternal life. 

My encounter with Christ has been the most amazing and supernatural experience I have ever had in my entire life and will not trade it in for anything thing else in this world. The world has nothing to offer! The devil has been exposed as my sins have been confessed and cleansed by Jesus’ blood. I am free indeed! What is that sin that the devil keeps pushing you to commit though deep down you don’t want to be involved in it? You don’t have to remain a slave to that sin! I challenge you to come to the Savior and be set free! His love is ever available to those who will accept. Only come and behold the wonders of the cross come alive in your own life. Don’t be bound by sin and Satan. Come to Jesus and be set free completely from the guilt and condemnation of sin.  “If the Son (Jesus Christ) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”-John 8:36

O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.
They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.
Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.
Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.
And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.
Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!- Psalm 107:1-8

I am not my past. I am a new creature in Christ Jesus! I am holy, sanctified and purified through Jesus Christ my savior who bore my sins and has washed me thoroughly with his blood! He has given me abundant life, joy, and peace. 

If you are truly a born-again Christian, there must be a striking difference between your life before and after you met Jesus Christ. If there is no change then you have to reexamine your Christian faith for “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things (lying, pornography, masturbation, stealing, cursing, etc) are passed away; behold, all things are become new”-2 Corinthians 5:17

How, and what did Jesus save you from? What is your conversion story? Fill free to share your story below!

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Be blessed!