My Weekly Inspirations – 11


“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Contentment is a challenge in our society. It seems like there is always a need for more. More doesn’t equate happiness – more can sometimes actually be an hindrance to true happiness. Godliness is more than enough to live a fulfilling and prosperous life.

In this season of life, I am challenged to be content. Christ with me is sufficient to meet and exceed my needs. Below are areas of my life that I am pursuing contentment:

My spiritual life: I may not always have the amount of time I want to spend in my personal devotion but intentionally seeking God’s word for daily encouragement and inspiration is crucial to my ability to find peace and joy in the mundane.

My career: While I desire to achieve a particular career goal, I am content with my current role in my nursing career. I am learning to perfect my skills and knowledge in my new specialty. I have peace and satisfaction in my new role.

Our modest garments are not to be grumpy and unattractive, but as the scripture says, for glory and for beauty.

Women are so much more than their bodies. The definition of a woman goes much deeper than her bust and curves. In fact, God has made women instruments and pillars of change, inspiration, wisdom and power. Therefore, to advertise our bodies to the world through revealing clothing would cause us to decrease our worth as God originally intended it.

The worth of a woman is not defined by the shape of her body. The worth of a woman is in her inner beauty. The body becomes old and looses its youth, but a heart that houses Jesus Christ is a life of continual beauty. Modesty of dress reveals a woman’s worth.
I choose and promote modesty. What is your principle of dress?


Comparison in marriage is real! I have been guilty of finding myself wishing that my husband would do a particular thing that another husband did for his wife. Comparison is the Devil’s work to take our eyes off from all the good and focus on the lack or negative. 

Lately, I have been reflecting on how wonderful of a husband I have. I pray to honor and appreciate him more. I choose to value what I have and build a marriage and family that glorifies God together. Yes, in marriage I am also learning to be content because truly, I am blessed.  


Gone are the days when I can start my wash day routine and get through to the end without disruptions. The other day I started my wash and style routine and couldn’t finish until late at night. In between, I had to stop and attend to my babies and household.

Motherhood can be challenging and our natural hair can take a backseat but if we want flourishing natural hair we have to be that much more committed to see the desired results. 

I thank God because I am 4 months postpartum and my hair is doing well. Single ladies, if you do not prioritize and develop a habit of nurturing your natural hair now, you won’t when you are married and have kids! The responsibilities then are too great and your hair may suffer as a result. Motherhood is a beautiful challenge, but I thank God for His grace!

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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Instagram: @mrs_charity_umar

Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


Natural hair

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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️