My Weekly Inspirations -12

Message: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬

I love this verse for a few reasons:
  1. It challenges me to allow the word of Christ, the spoken and written word of Christ dwell in me
  2. Not just dwelling in me but but richly dwelling! There’s a difference between having money and being rich. Here, the scripture is saying be RICH of the word of Christ. Be full of the word to the point that it transforms you from the inside out and flows from your speech, conduct etc
Now, how can the word of Christ dwell in us richly?

Well Joshua says in chapter 1:8 AMP “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful.”

We have an active role to play!

➡️READ THE WORD DAILY: I make it a point to read the Word of God daily even if it is just one verse! I also enjoy reading books of the Bible for a time – for example, I am currently in the book of Hebrews and Esther – I pray, read and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire me and I take notes on my inspirations, which I love to reflect on
➡️MEMORIZE THE WORD: I actively read verses of scripture and commit it to memory. It is a great way to store up the treasures of the Word of God in my heart for when the occasion calls for it to be used 
➡️PRAY IN THE WORD: I love praying the Word of God. I literally pray what I read. The Word of God is God’s Will so when I pray the Word, I am praying His Will which He will answer! By doing the above, I can be sure of the Word of Christ dwelling richly in me!


The word ‘modesty’ is not limited to the physical aspect of a woman, but can be used referring to her character. A woman can be perfectly modest in apparel; but totally ugly in character.  There ought to be congruence in our profession of faith, and our physical appearance; thus, indicating a total internal and external transfiguration by an encounter with Jesus Christ.

The work of modesty is not complete if it is not seen in a person’s character and in their apparel. Modesty of character means that we are clothed with humility. Our comportment exude gentility, and our speech simple and assertive, yet full of kindness, grace, and wisdom. Modesty of character is not loud and rowdy, nor rude and stubborn, neither is it aggressive nor flirtatious. 

Indeed, Modesty is an attitude of the heart which transcends to the physical body and overshadows a person as a light that is undeniably identifiable, irresistible and attractive. Christ-like Modesty is all-encompassing.


They say marriage is a school that you never graduate from and wow is that true! Recently I’ve been schooled in the institution of marriage! Roles in marriage is something I thought I knew well – I mean yes, I know what the Word of God says but the practical application is where the challenge is.

I was getting my roles mixed up as a wife and mom and it was causing real frustration within me. I must confess that I really thank God for His word. He has refined me and renewed my mind. He is working in and through me and it is truly a miracle.
In short:
My husband is the head of our home
He is the main breadwinner
He leads, guides and protects us

I am the manager of our home
I tend to the children and daily activities of our home
I also work outside of the home but my priority is my home; therefore I trust God to help me to fulfill my role and responsibilities excellently by His abundant grace. My inspiration is the Proverbs 31 Woman.

In motherhood I have come to appreciate the power of preparation. This is a skill that my mom taught us while growing up. She would instruct us to prepare our clothing even to our undergarments the night before church, traveling etc.

These days before we have go out of the house for church, doctor’s appointments, family outings etc, I have found that preparing ahead of time is crucial. I select kids’ clothing, prep diaper bag with essentials, my own clothing and even food for the next morning. The days I don’t do this, I can definitely feel the impact. You don’t realize how much time you save the next day just by preparing the day before.

Motherhood is a great privilege and blessing but it also comes with a lot of sacrifices and responsibilities. Failure to prepare adequately for the role of motherhood itself and the daily activities of the family will lead to burnout, frustration and overwhelm.

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️