My Weekly Inspirations -14


“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Charity means love. Love is powerful. Love is an action word – love propels one into action. We can have all the faith and hope in the world, but love trumps all. Love leaves an imprint in the lives of others. True love does good towards others. Recently, I have been reminded of the need to live an impactful life. This will require love in its truest form – to give, to lend, to spend. To pour my life out for the benefit of others is my desire.

Furthermore, I desire to leave a good legacy in this world through my talents, gifts, time and resources. As I tread the paths of the world, I pray that I may leave a mark that will be lasting – a godly imprint on the world! So Lord help me. These are the questions I ask myself and you may as well – What will you be remembered for in the world? What will your loved ones remember you for? What do you want to be remembered for? What will be God’s testimony of you?

I have found that it is important to have a few staples that are easy to access when in need of a quick outfit. For me, I like blazers, pleated skirts and high neck inserts or camisoles.

I can combine these three at any given point and create different outfits. As far as colors, I like to have at least one bright color in my outfit – it makes me happy :). I also lean towards solid colors than busy patterns, although I have those as well. 

Before I wear an outfit, I pray and think about it way ahead of time considering the occasion. Then I proceed to take each piece out of my closet and lay them down on my bed. This enables me to see how well the colors work together, I may mix and match before a final decision is made. These are the places I shop
Marriage is full of challenges amidst the beauty of the marriage union and family. Yes, it’s true. Even when you marry God’s perfect will for you, you will not be immune from life’s challenges. For us, we’ve experienced various health challenges, challenges along the path to parenthood, financial, career, etc. In fact, by virtue of the marriage being the will of God, Satan will target and tempt it the most. My husband and I have had our share of challenges – different shapes and sizes even before marriage. We would both agree and conclude that challenges in marriage and family life will test one’s
  • Faith in God: will you abandon God or depend on Him as the One who can turn things around for the better? For us He has proven to be faithful time after time. His track record in our lives is untainted. 
  • Love for spouse: you declare that you love your spouse when things are rosy, but what about when life is sour? Love, true love will remain and abide no matter how hard a situation might be. True godly love will compel one to do good and pursue good for their spouse in all situations. By God’s grace, we’ve stayed together through the thick and thin of life and we will continue to do so through it all by His grace
  • Commitment to marriage: the world is rampant with divorce. Any issue can lead to divorce. Commitment to marriage is no longer a priority. People are always seeking an alternative. Commitment to marriage is remembering our vows and the Creator of marriage and its purpose. Commitment to marriage means focusing more on the positives than highlighting all the negatives. Commitment to marriage is to purposely appreciate one’s spouse through kind words and gestures. Commitment to marriage is to be selfless as the scripture says – not seeking your own but that of your spouse’s. Commitment to marriage is to not see divorce as an option and an exit plan. Commitment to marriage is understanding the different seasons of marriage and relating gracefully with your spouse according to that knowledge. Commitment to marriage is to daily pray for God to keep your marriage and home and to keep the wicked one out! These we pray to continue to do and trusting the Lord to keep us going stronger and stronger in our marriage as the days, months and years go by.
These days I am learning to accept priority over perfection. In this business of motherhood, it is so important to know what the most important things are. There are plenty of things to do! The tasks of a mother are never ending. I am the type that loves a clean and spiffy home. However of late my home has not been as spiffy as I would like. 

My home floor could be full of scattered toys, sink full of unwashed dishes etc, but I try to prioritize the most important things at that moment which could be to feed my babies so that they can take a nap, sometimes I nap right along with them because a mama’s got to get sleep also! So if you happen to stop by on a day like I’ve described, don’t complain, extend grace and swing into action! You would be much appreciated :). I do try and clean throughout the day when I am home with the kids. I involve my daughter in the task of tidying and cleaning up after herself – she recently recognized a messy area and said “oh no! we have to clean up!” It was such a profound MOMent! 🙂
I have found that bits of cleaning as the day goes by contributes greatly to the overall cleaning at the end of the day. I strive to clean my kitchen on a daily basis. I really like a clean kitchen. I don’t like to wake up to dishes in the sink, a dirty stove or dirty counter tops. I love waking up to a clean space!☺️ In the living area, I like to organize our throw pillows on a daily basis especially prior to bed time and it makes such a difference in making the space look tidy! I also like to wipe down surfaces, sweep the floors and mop occasionally.

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️