My Weekly Inspirations -15


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Over the years, I have learned that starting my day off with God is the best way to have a productive, prosperous and peaceful day. Starting off my day with God has looked different in different stages of life but the principle remains the same. When I was single, I was more spontaneous with my time alone with God and could spend much more time in one sitting. 

These days as a mom of two young children, I am finding that my devotional life has been called to a higher level of discipline. I strive to wake up much earlier before the children are up. Most times they need to be attended to in the middle of my devotion. 

This “interruption” used to be unpleasant to me. The Lord has been teaching me that even during those “interruptions” I am serving Him by catering to the young ones. It’s been a serious mindset shift and I am still learning. These days, I am also learning the power of praying in unconventional places as I attend to my responsibilities either at home or at work – I pray while changing children’s diapers, cooking, cleaning, and when dealing with difficult patients and families at work.

Modesty ‘Modesty’ is often spoken of in regards to women’s apparel. However, the Bible addresses modesty in a holistic manner: mind, spirit, and body. Modesty of character is confident and courageous; but, not proud. Modesty of character affirms, encourages, and uplifts with her speech; but not flatter with her lips. Modesty of character is not cunning and mysterious; but honest, transparent and sincere. 

Modesty of character is serviceable, hardworking, giving, and not lazy, idle, nor greedy. Modesty of character is not money-hungry, nor attention-seeking. Modesty of character is selfless and not selfish. Modesty of character is patient and kind. Modesty of character loves at all times and does not harbor hatred, bitterness, nor anger. 

Before marriage, we are told to pray for our future spouses. But do you know that the prayers for our spouses never stops after we have known the will of God in marriage? In fact in marriage more prayers for spouse is needed to sustain the marriage. Essentially, that which was gotten through prayer must be maintained through prayer. It is crucial to pray for our husbands as wives. They need our prayers! There are so many areas to pray for our husbands, one area that I pray for mine is

His Spiritual Life – my husband is a representation of God in our marriage and in our home. He is required by God to dwell with me in knowledge (1 Peter 3:7). Therefore, he needs enough prayers for his spiritual life to always be kindled. He needs spiritual strength to remain faithful to God, be knowledgeable of the scriptures so that he can teach and interpret scripture according to the leading and direction of God. 

He also needs prayers offered to heaven on behalf of his prayer life. Prayer is the weapon of every Christian and if he can’t pray, he will lack connection with God and thus his walk with God will weaken leading to a destructive marriage and family. If the head is affected, it affects the entire body. If you are single, this prayer is also useful to you on behalf of your future spouse. 

These days, I am learning what it means in practical sense to prioritize my family. When I review the life of the Proverbs 31 Woman, I see a woman who prioritized her home. She was all about her husband, children and home. She didn’t allow anything or anyone to interfere with her ministry towards her home. I am learning from this noble woman that after my relationship with God, my home is next.

This means that I am looking after the daily affairs of my family and ensuring that all runs smoothly. Due to a recent impairment in the health of my family, I needed call off from work. As a registered nurse, I don’t like to call off work. I know the challenge that it may pose to be understaffed. But I am learning that my family comes first. The wellbeing of my family takes precedence before looking after others. Quite frankly the job will get done one way or another but my family remains my primary responsibility.

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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With love, 
Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️