My Weekly Inspirations – 16


“Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

While I personally do not know the date of Jesus Christ’s birth, I know that He was born. His birth was prophesied, purposeful and profitable for you and I. Every year around this time, for me it is a time to celebrate Jesus. Jesus means so much to me. 

He is the very source of my being. I literally would not know where I would be without Him. I have had certain challenges in life that only Christ made the difference and a way of escape. For this reason, He is worthy of being celebrated. The end of the year is also a time to connect with family. It is a season of faith, family, and fellowship. The end of the year season is an opportunity to be sober, reflective and strategic as we anticipate the dawn of a brand new year. 

It is a time to sit back and thank God for the year that is ending, personally review my notes taken throughout the year as events occurred, pray and plan for the progress and advancement of my marriage, family, business in the new year and beyond. 2023 year has truly been a blessing. The Lord has added unto us grace, goodness and glory. We are ever grateful. Thank you, Lord!


As the year closes in, I recount my modesty journey – I assess the foundation of my modesty conviction. By the grace of God my conviction remains intact. Modesty is my choice of dress, standard, calling, and lifestyle – whether at home, work, church or beyond I must continue to lift up this holy standard of dress (Isaiah 62:10). The Christian life is one of unique unparalleled distinction. 

Modesty never goes out of fashion. Skinny jeans and ripped jeans will come and go, but modesty is a heavenly principle that will ever remain because God is the author of modesty and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Christians are called to uphold a higher standard of dress. We are ambassadors of Christ; therefore, we must represent our King in beauty, and purity through our dress. Our dressing must prick the interest of people to want to discover the inspiration for our choice of dress.  

Are you on a modesty journey? How was your modesty journey this year? 


In this season of my marriage, I am learning the power of a good example. Marriage is a road my husband and I hadn’t gone prior to marriage. Although 3+ years of marriage has taught us many lessons, we have yet a long way to go! Being able to connect with couples that have been and are still successful in their marriage is crucial. It is such a blessing to be surrounded by good examples of godly and thriving marriages. 

We are blessed to have my parents who have been married 30+ years. I didn’t know how much I had passively learned from my parent’s marriage until I got married! It became apparent when I started doing things for my husband that my mom would do for my dad. We learn from all examples whether good or bad but a good example especially in the school of marriage cannot be over emphasized. We pray that we are able to model a good and gracious example for our children – that they may see that although we are not perfect, Christ is our perfect Master guide in our marriage and family building and that His grace is sufficient for us on this journey. 


I didn’t know that I did and said certain things until my daughter started to copy me and would do them verbatim. I was so surprised. Children are learners! They see everything! For example, when I was pregnant with my son, I would take my prenatal vitamins in the mornings. 

One day, as I was about to drink my water and place the vitamin in my mouth my daughter acted it all out right in front of me! I just laughed and thought, ‘wow she has been watching me all this while.’ Her repetitions of our actions and words have become so real in our household. Therefore we are very careful what we do and say in front of our children. 

She has such a tender heart that store all things. We are praying for the Lord to protect both of our children’s innocence, keep them from evil influence, and give them grace to do His will starting with salvation. 

My preferred prenatal vitamins

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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Instagram: @mrs_charity_umar

Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


Natural hair

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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️