My Weekly Inspirations -17

Message: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
‘Abundance’ is defined as having “a very large quantity of something” via Google. According to our text, Christ says that He has come to give us a life that is enriched with Himself, full of grace, virtue and glory. His will is that we will flourish on every side.

Nevertheless, we have a part to play in the attainment of the abundant life through Christ. Below is “ABUNDANCE” spelt out. I pray that you will personalize it and prayerfully apply it into your own life to experience true abundance.

🌟Abide in the Lord (John 15:4)
🌟Believe His word (2 Chronicles 20:20)
🌟Unwavering trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5,6)
🌟Non-conformity to the standards of the world (Romans 12:2)
🌟Determination to succeed in every aspect of life (Daniel 1:8)
🌟Aspire for great things (Ephesians 3:20)
🌟Never give up or give in (1 Corinthians 16:13)
🌟Celebrate milestones (Philippians 4:8)
🌟Express gratitude and appreciation to others (Colossians 3:15)
I pray that Christ the abundance of God will be preeminent, prominent and make us prosperous in every aspect of our lives this new year and beyond in Jesus’ name, amen.


the beginning of the year is a time to renew my commitment to modesty. This means that I have to raid my closet of clothing that no longer fit, and that I actually haven’t worn in over a year. I gained a lot of weigh during my son’s pregnancy. A lot of my clothes actually no longer fit me. I have a desire to make a few new clothing purchases. To get new clothing, I have to make room! 
In order to live a life of abundant modesty this year, you too need to make room in your heart for Christ! As the Author of modesty, He is the One that will empower you to live a modest lifestyle within and without that will bring glory to His name. 

Marriage: As a married woman, I have come to the understanding that there is such a great need for having a revelation from God before marrying a man. This is because you are actually called in the marriage to be the vision carrier. You are to see the vision that God has given to that man and then partner with God and your husband in its fulfillment. In the process, your own vision will be fulfilled as well. Marriage without revelation often doesn’t last. This is because you are unable to see beyond the physical. 

God’s revelation helps you to see into the future and depend on Him to bring to pass what He has promised. As a single person, don’t become so engulfed in the emotions of the present that you loose sight of the future assignment through marriage. I tell you that marriage is a ministry and to be successful, you need a clear revelation from God regarding whom to commit to in marriage. By the grace of God, I had a clear revelation that God was leading me to my husband prior to marriage. I talked about that experience in this video. I pray that it inspires you!

Motherhood: If there is something that I wish I had more of especially in this season of my motherhood, I would say a 24/hour helper! While growing up I remember that my mom always had help – my aunties would live with us and take care of our family along with my mom. I realized how much of a great help this would have been to my mom. I also know that the Proverbs 31 woman had helpers! Many times there are multiple priorities in my day-to-day mothering – both of my children are hungry and crying at the same time, they both want to be held, I need to bath – these are some of the moments having a helper around would be so beneficial. 

I thank God for my husband and parents who have been wonderful at taking care of the children; they’re just not with us 24/7 – work and other things takes them away. But I am also realizing that God has given me greater grace at this time. I am grateful for His grace that enables me to handle those conflicting priorities. I tell you that it can be quite a challenge. For those of you that are single, I encourage you to please seek out a mom in your community and offer a helping hand! A mom may not outrightly ask for the help, but the genuine offer of help from you would go a long way! 

By going into her home to help with one task or another, you are actually helping yourself as well – you will be gaining a necessary insight into the future as you look forward to becoming a mom yourself. May I challenge you as a single lady to be a blessing to a mom and her family this year by volunteering your time to be her extra hands in the care of her family?

I hope that you’re inspired by the 4 M’s this week! 


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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️