My Weekly Inspirations – 21

Message: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”-Hebrews 11:6

My husband and I recently read Hebrews chapter 11 together. Although we are both familiar with the passage it was a very great reminder and an encouragement as we journey on the path of faith in Christ. As we reflected on the passage, a few things stuck out to me: 

1. The Wall of Faith: Hebrews 11 is a beautiful recollection of people of faith. These were people whose faith was so exceptional that the Bible would not be complete without their names being printed in it. I am encouraged to also know that these people were flesh and blood like us – their super power was their unflinching faith in God. From Abel, to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab and so many more! Their stories and lives of faith are truly inspiring and proof that God is no respecter of persons, He accepts all who will entrust themselves to Him. “But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.” Acts 10:35

2. Diversities of the manifestation of Faith: As we read Hebrews 11, I noticed that there was diverse manners by which the patriarchs and matriarchs of faith manifested their faith. Abel’s faith was manifested through an excellent and selfless sacrifice unto the Lord. For Noah and Abraham, obedience shone through their lives as God led them to do His will. For Sarah, her faith was demonstrated in the belief for her strength to conceive seed in her old age – defying her ‘biological clock.’ For Moses it was renouncing the idols of Egypt and its “riches” and cleaving to the people of God and the heavenly treasures that was promised to Him though unseen. 

3. Self reflection of my own Faith: I am incredibly challenged by the Wall of Faith in Hebrews 11. I can’t help but ask myself, “where will I be in the light of faith?” As I ponder on the names seen in Hebrews 11, I wonder where my own name will be someday – will my name be among those that were known as people of faith in my generation? How am I exhibiting my faith in God? 

Prayer: Oh Lord, strengthen my faith in you. Everyday I am faced with the challenge to doubt and be faithless but by the power that is in the blood of Jesus, renew and refresh my faith in you. Help me to walk with you faithfully that I may be counted among the faithful in Your kingdom, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Modesty: This dress that is pictured was purchased by faith! Some years back, I had the clear inspiration that I would marry my husband. When I accepted the revelation, I began making the necessary preparations. Part of that preparation was investing in my wardrobe – I bought clothes that I wanted to wear when married – this dress I envisioned wearing it with my husband to a special occasion. This is how I knew that my husband was “the one.”

This dress was bought years before I would even get married! I purchased the dress from Dainty Jewells – a modest clothing company. The last time I checked, I didn’t see this dress on their website but they have other great modest options as well! 

Marriage: On the faithful day in December 2020, my dream became a reality! I wore this lovely dress to a wedding with my husband. It was truly a moment of believing to see! At this point in my life not only did I marry the man whom God had led, I was also 9 weeks pregnant with our daughter! Needless to mentioned that as a result, the dress was incredibly difficult to put on – it really was a challenge. We had to devise special means for me to wear the dress successfully. But at las, we got it on. The trip to the wedding was a rough one too – my 

pregnancy nausea and vomiting almost prevented us from attending the wedding. In fact, my husband asked me severally if we should go back home but I was determined. My determination led to a miracle! By the time we arrived at the wedding, the nausea/vomiting had greatly subsided and very surprisingly, I was able to go through the entire wedding ceremony and reception without any issues at all! God is good. 
For those of you trusting God for marriage, please don’t give up, keep believing, you will see the manifestation of that vision! “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Habakkuk 2:3

Motherhood: my motherhood journey also began well over 12 years ago! In preparation for marriage, I started to also buy clothing for my future babies, by faith! I bought girls clothing first, then boy clothing. I of course never knew that I would have a girl first then a boy but it was all in God’s plan – later to be discovered. Many of the clothing that my children wore as babies and even now (some yet to be worn) were purchased over 12 years ago! I had even given some out when I was still single. 

My son wore a pair of shoes recently and that was part of those early purchases. At the time it seemed strange that I was buying baby clothes without being married, but I believed God and trusted His plan for my life. Today, I can tell you that God is extremely faithful and therefore trust worthy. Will you trust Him? Will you have faith in Him to be saved and journey through life with Him?
I hope that you’re inspired by the 

4 M’s this week! 


My favorite baby items

My favorite nurse supplies

My favorite modest finds

My favorite products for natural hair

My hair care line


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Instagram: @mrs_charity_umar

Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


Natural hair

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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️