Nurse Chronicles: “Is She a Nurse or an Aide?”

On a certain day while at work, I was busy going about performing some treatments on various patients. I entered a patient’s room and unknown to me, another patient and her family member in another room were seriously trying to figure out what my role is in the facility. Although my uniform apparently identified me as one of the nurses of the facility, this patient and family member could not accept it as so. I eventually went to the room of the two speculators to administer medication to the room mate. It was then that they confessed that they had been debating on whether I was a nurse or an aide. I then said “yes, I am one of the nurses here” and the family member said “oh so you are a nurse, I wasn’t sure.”

This is a very common encounter that has been quite reoccurring since I started working in the healthcare setting as a nursing assistant and now a registered nurse. The most popular question I am asked virtually on a regular basis is “how old are you?” “you look so young” “you look 12!” Upon finding out my age they are often greatly surprised. Employees, patients and their families are instantly drawn to inquire of me and validate my role as a registered nurse on a consistent basis. Some refer to me as a ‘little girl.’ For some, my face just doesn’t match my badge! I was once in the elevator with a patient, she looked at my badge and stated “I didn’t know they make 16 year olds RN’s.” I was dumbfounded – really didn’t know what to say in reply! Nevertheless, I am not offended by those comments because I perceive it all as the grace of God at work. God’s grace in us makes us appear unique, uncommon, and a person to inquire about. As Christians we are not ordinary people, people should be astonished at our personhood because of the supernatural Christ who lives within.

There is a verse in the bible that I am reminded of as I consider these encounters. “I am as a wonder unto many…” (Psalm 71:7). The Lord has quite literally made me a wonder unto many. His Spirit, and grace in me has made me to holistically stand out even in the work place to His glory! People have told me “you look like a Christian” “there is something about you,” “you look like a real nurse” “you are the best nurse I’ve had” “you’re taking such good care of me” etc. I owe it all to God. It is His Spirit in me that is at work, not merely my flesh and blood. As little as I may appear I am grateful that little me can be placed in a position as such I am. Also, the Lord has made me an inspiration unto other young ladies that they too can strive to attain such an achievement with His assistance. 

So far I’ve been working for some time as an RN. It’s been a season of information overload. There has been so much to learn and I am still learning! It has also been quite an adjustment and transition from a nurses’ aide to a registered nurse. Generally speaking, I do not have ‘bad’ days. Some days are more challenging than others especially when at work. There are days when I am so flooded with a load of responsibility. A few patients are demanding pain medicine, another patient has an elevated heart rate and I have to contact the doctor, another wants to get out of bed and needs assistance, another wants an alternate dinner and I have to call dietary for that request, another is complaining of wheezing and needs to be attended to, another has developed a low blood pressure and the MD must be aware asap, I need to sit down and complete a care plan for a new admission, another wants a sleeping pill, another is refusing to wear a brace that the doctor has ordered and I have to encourage compliance, I need to pause everything and perform wound care treatments on the patient that the nursing assistant is attending to before she’s finished! During all of this, I have to administer scheduled medications within an hour! Bells are ringing left and right. The list goes on and on! Not to mention during one shift all of these could be happening at once!

In the early stages as an RN, there had been days that I left work a few hours after scheduled duty hours. My attitude then and now is that I have the obligation to complete my work before I go home. Yet in the midst of those challenging days when I am pulled in various directions, I trust in God’s strength and peace to get me through. In fact I appreciate those challenging days because it strengthen, refine, mold and develop me in godly character. I am as well challenged to demonstrate godly virtues as patience, respect, humility when under pressure. On a particularly busy day, one of the nurses said to me, “you are the most zen person I’ve ever met. You could be going crazy right now, but you are so calm.” “It’s Jesus in me that keeps me calm” I said to her. Jesus makes the difference. It is Christ in me that keeps me calm even when I should be screaming, and probably go to a corner and shed tears. During those difficult days I experience God’s loving hands and favor in ways that are truly beautiful. In addition to that I learn, grow, and adapt. I must also admit that despite the craze, I do enjoy my job as an RN. I genuinely love what I do. I enjoy the interaction I have with my patients and the positive impact I leave them. By the grace of God my patients are able to see a difference in my care toward them.

By God’s grace I am adjusting well to the job. I am learning plenty, and I trust that as I progress in my job and career, I will continue to learn, grow and with much experience will become an even more competent, comfortable and confident registered nurse!

I pray you are inspired. 

Have a blessed weekend.
