Purity: The Issue of Lust


For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids. For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.- Proverbs 6:23-26

Lust is a strong sexual desire toward a woman or man that one is not married to. Lust is to allow the mind to imagine and indulge in immoral thoughts about a male or female. Lust is dangerous because it propels one to act on their immoral imaginations and feelings outside the Covenant of Marriage. Lust “dirties” the mind and brings shame, guilt, and condemnation. It’s so serious a sin that Jesus Christ said “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart“-Matthew 5:28. A man can look on a woman, but to the point that he begins to think sexually about her is what lust is, and Jesus Christ said what your mind has imagined has already been committed though it has not been done physically – this is serious! Further more, He states in Matthew 18:9 “And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” This teaches us that we must be careful of what we see as Christians because our eyes are the windows to our hearts and minds. What we see with our eyes has a great impact on our lives.

In the case that God has revealed to you the man or woman he wants you to marry, it is normal to be sexually attracted to this individual; notwithstanding, you must not give way to such feelings because you are not yet married. You must pray for God to help you to remain pure in mind until your are married to this person. In the confines of marriage, it is the will of God for husbands and wives to desire each other sexually.  According to Matthew 5:28 Jesus Christ reveals that lust very much affects the male gender; even though females are not excluded. Based upon this, I conclude that the primary cause of lust in men is the rampant immodest dressing of females in our world today. In this post I will discuss the cause, effects, and solution of lust. 

From the very beginning of the bible I learn that men were created to be visual creatures – that was how God designed them to be. This means that men are inclined to notice something that looks good, and appreciate it. In the case of the first man, Adam, he became instantly attracted to Eve upon his initial glance at her! “And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man“-Genesis 2:23. Adam identified with Eve; he appreciated what God had made – a Woman. This visual characteristic in males was given to them as a complimentary element in a marriage relationship. However, after the ‘fall’ of man this good visual characteristic was taken to a level where it becomes sinful if caution is not taken. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually“-Genesis 6:5. Since this ‘good’ could easily be sinful, the heaven bound man, or woman must make sure to tap to God’s Well of strength for daily victory over the wicked immoral imaginations of the heart toward the opposite gender – lust. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ“-2 Corinthians 10:5

It is very easy for us women to proclaim that lust is man’s problem and that we have no role to play in it. In the same way men could also say that it is just the way that God created them and so they cannot do anything about it. Both statements are very wrong. As women the problem of lust to an extend has plenty to do with us. This is why I am such an advocate and promoter of godly modesty. I believe that immodest dressing is the root cause of the prevalence to lust in males in, and outside to the church. Our bodies are so beautifully made that it can in the same way be used by the devil as a dangerous weapon to males’ eyes and minds. God made our bodies to be shared with one man which is our husband. Eve’s body was only exclusively exposed to Adam. In like manner, we must treasure our bodies, and value it to the extend that we grasp that our body is sacred, and is not for the enjoyment of just any man on the street, but the man to whom God has ordained our very own husband who is worthy of us. Maybe you are the type of woman who likes to expose your body to men in exchange for gifts, money, and or vain promises. For how long will you continue to offer your body to be used and disrespected? You are worth more than multiple men utilizing your body as an object of pleasure. I want to invite you to turn to Jesus Christ. The love that you so desperately want and need will never be found in any other man except Jesus Christ alone. Come to Him and be made whole. 

The bible says that our nakedness should not be exposed. “…that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon”-Exodus 20:26. Please visit this post for areas of our bodies that need to be covered so that we don’t disobey God and cause our brothers to stumble and fall. I am aware that some Christian ladies don’t believe in modesty. They say that in Christ we have liberty and that we are no longer under the ‘law.’ This is a false understanding. Please let us be renewed in our minds by the word of God so that we can be living evidences of what the will of God for us is, especially pertaining to our physical appearance. It is no secret that lust mainly caused by immodest dressing produces a vital weakness in men. Therefore as women, let us value our bodies as precious, and precious enough to be covered while we await our ‘Adam’ to uncover it to the glory of God. Let us ask the Lord to help us to be dead to our selfish desire to “show off what our mama gave us” and rather help our brothers be more holy and pure toward us, and around us. 

I pray that our dressing as women will not stir up immoral thoughts in the minds and hearts of men; but that we will choose to allow God to clothe us with the Robe of Righteousness so that when people see us, they will be reminded of the beauty of Holiness which is the nature of God; and our obedience and submission to the inward and outward purity that God demands of us. I pray that our appearance will match the word of God, and draw others to the Cross of Christ! Let us not give the enemy an occasion to employ us his agents to seduce men and cause them to sin! Let us ask for the grace to not become a stumbling block to the worship and faithfulness of our brothers to the most high God. Let us not cause them to constantly ‘fall’ due our selfishness and hardened heart against the word of God to change that which can be changed. Let us help them to be pure in mind and in heart by doing the following: loving them sacrificially as Christ loved us, acknowledging lust as their weakness of which we have the power to induce, and ask God to help us to cover those sensitive, yet highly priced parts of our bodies that cause temptation in men.

Men, I understand that lust is a serious problem for you. This issue is so serious that Jesus Christ addressed it in Matthew 5:28. Now, just because you are a visual being does not warrant sining against the word of God. Granted it is difficult to stay pure in our current society. Women’s bodies are carelessly exposed everywhere we go. This reality becomes a constant battle for all christian men. But I assure you that it is a battle that CAN be won. Jesus Christ overcame it. Paul the Apostle overcame it. Stephen overcame it. Peter overcame it, and countless other powerful, spirit filled men of scripture won the battle of lust. My understanding is that, it is not impossible because “with God all things are possible” you just haven’t made up your mind to fight this battle of the flesh with the sword of the spirit which is the word of God! If only you will purpose in your heart that this sin will not overtake you, and take you to hell fire, you will overcome in Jesus name! As long as we are living in this sinful society, women will always dress carelessly; but then you must be even more determined to make it through the pearly gates at last by constantly praying, and taking deliberate measures against this sin. I would like to share a few tips with you that I pray will help you to be an overcomer of lust.

1. Be honest with yourself that lust is a definite struggle in your life: it is okay to admit it. Recognition of this sin will be the beginning of your healing and power to overcome! 

2. Guard your eyes, minds, and heart: I have seen several men stare at immodestly dressed women to the point that they almost fell flat on their faces! Maybe you have found yourself in a similar situation. As a christian man should you allow the enemy to take you that far? If you see a woman who is dressed in a way that will cause your mind to wander to wicked imaginations TURN AWAY! Upon turning away if you see another one (because the enemy can tempt you in that way) LOOK DOWN; begin to pray, sing hymns, or meditate on scripture (this is why it is important to know the word). “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”-James 1:13-15

3. Discipline yourself and be Deliberate: Identify the things, places, people that cause you to fall into the temptation of lust, and stay away. Maybe it’s the pornographic website you can’t seem to stop visiting, Facebook, television, that seductress sister in church, or at your place of work that seems to take special interest in you, or the bars and night clubs you find yourself once in a while – STAY AWAY! Abstain from all appearance of evil“- 1 thessalonian 5:22 There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain; even the chain of lust! Lean on that power, posses that power, and be set free in Jesus’ name!

4. Flee! Some females allow the devil to use them as his agents on earth. These women are sent to seduce you, and cause you to become her sin partner. As a child of God you have the spirit of God that helps you to discern between good and bad; when you sense that a particular woman flirts with you, touches you in a sensual way and constantly messages or calls you for “help” at a time when the whole world seems to be ‘silent’, please ignore her! “Flee fornication…”-1 Corinthians 6:18 Don’t permit the situation to reach a point of “no return.” Delete her number off of your phone and warn her to not call/text you again! She is only sent to destroy you. And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart“-Proverbs 7:10 Real virtuous women will not throw themselves on men. They understand their value and that their King is preparing them so that His son will ‘find’ them. They understand that it is not their responsibility to chase men around. “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.“-Proverbs 31:10

5. Limit physical contact with females: if you are a single or married brother be sure that the distance between you and women whether single or married is wide. Close physical contact as hugging may often excite immature sexual feelings in you and in the lady. Sometimes some women will use ‘hugging’ as an opportunity to “throw” themselves on you! At times persistent physical contact (hugging, holding  hands, putting arms around shoulder etc) with a female may communicate to her that you have an interest in her; though that might not be the case. Be a leader. Lay it plain with ladies that your desire to be pure is a serious one, and that you do not engage in hugging and such physical contact in your unmarried state, with unmarried and married ladies alike. I greatly respect men who take such a bold, leadership, and heavenly-minded decision!

6. Choose to Be pure for the sake of your wife and children: if you have male children you want to be an example to them; you want to show them how you overcame such a struggle and help to foster godliness in their lives! Your wife also deserves a man of pure eyes and mind; a man who prayerfully guards his eyes and heart and fights against this sin rather than condone it and blame it on his makeup! 

7. Pray, pray, pray and pray some more! There is no problem that the Almighty God whom I serve, cannot solve! There is no crimson sin that the precious blood of Jesus Christ cannot wash away. God’s grace that empowers us to overcome the flesh is ever available and renewed on a daily basis. Brother, please go to the throne of grace; ask God to purify your eyes, mind, and heart. Plead with him to give you the supernatural strength to do contrary to your sinful nature to look upon a woman and to allow your mind to entertain sinful desires. My dear brother please ask for cleansing. I pray that you will desire to be like Joseph who fled from the appearance of sexual sin. As my pastor said “it is better to loose your garment than to loose your grace!” I pray you will strive to be like Job who God himself testified as a man of integrity, and sexual integrity I must add. “I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?”-Job 31:1 This day, I sincerely pray that like brother Job you will be resolute and make a covenant with your eyes to see only that which will edify and promote godliness. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.“-Philippians 4:8

Here are Seven ways to be an overcomer of  tempters for both male and female:

1. Refuse- their suggestions to ‘hangout’ 
2. Rebuke- them in the name of Jesus!
3. Resist- their touch
4. Remove- yourself from their presence
5. Reject- their enticements 
6. Reduce-every opportunity of being together alone
7. Refrain- from all forms of communication with this fellow!

I pray that as a woman you will choose to honor God by dressing in a way that will not tempt your brother, and as a brother I pray that you will be an overcomer of lust as you decide to take intentional actions to be a Victor in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen.

Do Have a Victorious week ahead!