Stand Out!

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”-2 Corinthians 6:17

As people who have been transformed by the power of God’s word, we are to come out from the world and be separate unto the Lord. There must be a peculiarity about us. Our outward appearance and our relation with people must communicate Christ-like-ness. We must appear extraordinary by humility, simplicity and uniqueness. We cannot blend in with the crowd. If we have been changed within, the mark of Christ will set us apart from all others and cause people to wonder about our distinction!

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord…” If the people of the world paint their faces and their nails, I must not do the same as a renewed person. If they wear artificial hair on their heads, I must not do the same as a child of God. If the women of the world are wearing HIGH heels that they can barely walk in, I must not follow that trend of fashion as a child of the most high God. If the women of the world are challenging the wisdom of God in shaving their eye brows and using pencil to imitate something that was given to them freely, I must not do the same as a Christian. If the women in the world are adorning themselves with all sorts of jewelry, as an individual with a transformed mind I must not follow them. If the women of the world wear trousers, and clothing that reveal their breasts and contours of their buttocks, I must not do the same. If the women of the world are attaching artificial eye lashes and nails to their bodies (as if God did not give them) I must not do that. If the people of the world are tattooing themselves (even if they tattoo Jesus or the cross on the body,) I must not follow them. The bible speaks against writing on one’s body (Leviticus 19:28). The Word of God condemns all the aforementioned ways of living as unclean, and unholy and that which does not bring glory to God; and as Christians we must FLEE from such!

Becoming an individual of distinction is the purpose of Christianity. It is false doctrine for so called Christians to say that they can wear and decorate themselves as the people of the world do being Christians. Holiness inside and outside is what will take us to heaven. Being holy means that you are set apart, different for God. It means that Christ lives inside of you and He directs your every move and dictates your every desire. It means that you are dead to self, sin, Satan and the desires of the world. It means that you have fully offered yourself as a living sacrifice unto God – you have given full assess to Christ to dwell and reign within. It means that you have given permission to the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth concerning the clothes you put on your body, the places you go and the manner by which you adorn yourself. 

We must be HOLY at all times, Christians! We must not do things in the name of our church nor to please church people. We must allow the Word of God to become personal convictions so that we can be confident and do exploits for the Lord in this generation! The first thing people see upon meeting us is our physical appearance. And so as a Christian you must be very different! You must endeavor to model Christ in your heart and in your attire!

My question to you is… are you a Temple of God stripped away of the fashions of the world, or are you a Synagogue/Shrine of Satan decked with the idols of the world?

May the Lord helps us to add backbone to our convictions and boldly STAND OUT for Him in a crooked world in Jesus’ mighty name!

Have a blessed day!