The ABC’s of Redemption

(Reflections from Sunday service 9/4/16)

“Blessedness of Full Redemption” – Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

“In whom we have forgiveness through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins” – Colossians 1:14

Through Jesus Christ, we have forgiveness of sins. No matter how dark, deep, and wide your sins are, the riches of the redemption of Christ can reach you, cleanse you, and make you guiltless. Wondering how to attain this forgiveness?

It is as easy as ABC!

A: Accept- that Jesus died for your dark sins. God made him the substitution of a death that you should have died without remedy. Personalize the death of Jesus and apply it to your life. 

B: Believe- that Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior and has the power to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and make you pure and holy.

C: Confirm- begin to confess with your mouth “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation“- Romans 10:10. There is power in your confession! Confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness, and declaring that Jesus is your Savior and further inviting him to come and live in your heart, you are exercising great power and gives greater meaning to your proclamation! There is power in your tongue!

Now that you have given your life to Jesus, these ABC’s will keep you in Him.

A: Abandon- abandon your old sinful life. Refrain from hanging out with your old bad friends – let them know that you are now in Christ and as a result old things are passed away. The clubbing and wild parties, are now a thing of the past. Hooking up with girls and boys in the dark are now of the past. Drinking, smoking are now of the past. Those sins have been forgiven you, and you are now a new creature in Christ! Praise the Lord!

B: Beware- of the Devil – he doesn’t want you to continue in Christ so he will find ways and means to cause you to go back to your sinful life. The bible says “resist the devil and he will flee from you”- James 4:7. You must not entertain anything that looks evil – and don’t give the Devil chance to have a field day in your mind, eyes, and heart. Watch what you watch, think about, and desire.

C: Come out- You must be different in everything. In your lifestyle, dress, conduct. the light of Christ must be allowed to shine through you so as to STAND OUT. You must stand out to COME OUT. Don’t be tempted to follow the latest fashion trends that causes you to merely blend in – follow Jesus and He will guide you in the way to STAND OUT.

Another set of ABC’s to establish you in Christ and your newfound faith are to…

A: Abide- to abide is to dwell – dwell in Christ. The world may be pulling you in many directions but find your ground in Jesus Christ. Read His word and meditate on it on a daily basis – this is how you abide.

B: Behave- Jesus was humble, kind, gentle, peaceful, holy, patient. Now you are called to be like Christ and to be an example of believers unto all. “…be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity (love), in spirit, in faith, in purity” – 1 Timothy 4:12. The grace of God is the divine ability to enable you do the supernatural in the natural – it is sufficient for you to live a Christ-like life.

C: Conform- “…be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” -Romans 12:2. As you shun the world and it’s practices, to humbly submit or conform to the standard of God, you become a sign post that directs people to your Savior, Lord and Master Jesus Christ. 

By the blood of Jesus Christ, I have been redeemed and translated to the Kingdom of God the King! What about you?

Outfit Breakdown:
Hat: bought from church member
Neck Scarf: vendor in the city
Blouse: Macy’s
Skirt: Gift
Shoes: Kmart online
Handbag: Groupon online
Wrist Watch: Gift

#CometoJesusandLive #RedemptionthroughtheBlood #TranslationtoHeavenlyPlaces #ForgivenessofSinsisAvailabletoallWhowillCome #ModestyisStandingOutforChrist

Be Challenged!