This is How I live Out my Christian Faith


A few years ago, I spoke with a spiritual mentor who suggested that I read a book titled “The Practice of the Presence of God.” I hadn’t heard of that book until then. I searched it online and placed an order for it almost immediately. Upon the arrival of the book in the mail, I noticed that it was probably the smallest book I would read till date. As I began to read, I realized I had been practicing the presence of God, but the book helped me to understand it better and to have a name for something I had already been doing. 

As I kept reading the book, I became inspired by the relationship of brother Lawrence with God. Brother Lawrence was a man whose intimate relationship with God is so admirable. He lived his life as if God was present with him at any given time. As a result, he did the right thing even when no one was looking and when he became at fault for something, he immediately repented. He grew into a deeper love for God which gave him so much satisfaction. He would speak with God and praise and worship him at all times whether in the public or in the private. He desired so greatly to be in the center of the will of God. 

After I read this book, I asked myself “how many of us Christians truly are in the habit of practicing the presence of God on a daily basis?” To practice the presence of God means that you are fully aware of God’s presence with you at all times. Jesus said “…I am with you always, even unto the end of the world…” (Matthew 28:20). Therefore, believers must be conscious of His presence with us at all times and allow Him to empower us to do the things that please Him and bring glory to His holy name. You see, God does not only exist on Sunday morning in the church. God is alive and present 24/7 and at any place. So then as Christians, we ought to understand and appreciate this knowledge as the motivation to do right even if no one is watching.

As I continue to grow in God’s grace, my relationship with God has deepened over the last few years. I strive to daily practice the presence of God. There are a few practical ways that I achieve this practice of the presence of God which I pray you will find inspiring and applicable to your walk with Christ.

1. Morning: every morning upon awakening, I pray and use a few devotionals to start off my day. I read some passages of scripture and pray them into my life, family, church and beyond. I have a few apps that provide me with daily verses which always ministers to me so greatly. I always look forward to what my verses will be, every morning! As I step out of my dwelling each morning to embark on my daily activities, I acknowledge that the Word of God is a lamp unto my feet and light to my path (Psalm 119:105). The Lord will light my path and clear my way of every shady activities 0f the Devil; and though I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for He is with me at all times (Psalm 23:4). 

2. Modesty: as a daughter of God, I am inspired daily to dress in a manner that reflects the purity of God and my association with Christ. I do not indulge in the fashions of the world because as Jesus says, I am in the world, but not of the world (John 17:16). I am a supernatural being living in a natural body. Modesty remains a guiding principle in my daily dress – I dress not to impress man or woman, but to reflect the glory of God and in an effort to draw people to Christ – hence, I strive to put on Christ daily (Romans 13:14). 

My dress is characterized by… 
Coordination: for outfit constructions, I seek a good combination of colors – I choose hues of colors that will bring about a cohesive outlook – the principle I abide by in this regard is to let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40)

Self-crucifixion: I do not wear tight or revealing clothing that will draw undue attention to myself and not Christ; besides, tight clothes are so unhealthy for our bodies! I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless not I that live but Christ that liveth in me (Galatians 2:20)

Purity: I endeavor to keep a clean appearance and dress (Ecclesiastes 9:8). I iron my clothing when necessary and I avoid frumpily, ripped or dirty clothing – I am not called unto uncleanness but unto holiness (1 Thessalonians 4:7)

Beauty: In my clothing selection, I am particular and keen to select pieces that are beautiful and of good quality clothing and footwear and accessories – I am advised by the Lord to clothe myself with glory and beauty (Job 40:10)

3. Music: While driving, I like to tune in to local Christians stations where uplifting music is consistently broadcasted. I enjoy hymns and mellow contemporary Christian music. Some of the artists I fancy are Kristyn and Keith Getty, Kari Jobe, Michael W Smith, Casting Crowns, Christy Nockels, etc. I like some Ghanaian and Nigerian gospel artists as well. Music is incredibly powerful. It is important to feed the soul with music that edifies. 

These are considerations in my music choice or when listening to songs:

  • Does the lyrics of this song speak of God?
  • Is there any profanity in this song?
  • Does the content of this song direct attention to me, or to God?
  • Do I feel closer to God after listening to this song?
  • Have I learned something new about God through this song?
  • How will God feel/react if He were here right now and witnessed me listening, singing, or dancing to this song?
  • Does this song ultimately exalt God?

4. Messages: Apart from listening to messages and sermons at church, when at home while performing chores, I like to keep my mind occupied. I listen to some inspiring messages or sermons via I mostly listen to messages by pastor W.F. Kumuyi of Deeper Life Bible Church. I am selective when it pertains to ministers because not all that say “Lord Lord” is preaching the truth and will enter into the Kingdom of God (Matthew 7:21). As an effort to invest in myself, I have a personal goal to read at least one book per month – I have been able to accomplish this goal via Audible by AmazonI listen to various audiobooks on topics such as faith, marriage, money management, entrepreneurship, etc.

5. Mind: all throughout the day, I never once forget that I am a child of God and that the word of God must moderate my decision and interactions with others. In Isaiah 26:3 the bible says “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Many at times I am confronted with challenges that threaten and tempts me to abandon God, but when my mind is constantly fixed on God no matter the situation, I know that He is in control and that surely all things will work together for my good. In addition, as I keep my mind on Christ, I become connected to the inexhaustible fountain of His perfect peace which no man can take away from me. In moments of uncertainty and fear, I review my daily verses and inspirations of the day – these resources always do well to point me back to the love, thoughtfulness, and care of Jesus and the fear is banished!

6. Mandate: as I am out in the world, there is the divine mandate upon my life to preach the gospel to every creature. By the grace of God, when the opportunity presents itself, I am not hesitant to preach Christ to the hungry soul – Christ is the only bread that can satisfy the soul of man (John 6:35). I keep gospel tracts on hand to share with others of the love of God through Christ.

READ more content on Modesty HERE

Visit my Youtube channel for more modesty and natural hair content HERE

Shop my Poshmark closet for modest clothing HERE

I pray you are inspired unto the personal practice of the presence of God.
-Charity B.