VIRTUOUS YOUNG BRIDES: How to Become A Bride of Christ

VYB emphasizes the importance of being a bride to Christ first before committing to an earthly marital relationship. 

The question is how do you get married to Christ? Well, like every marriage, it begins with a proposal. More than 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ demonstrated the best proposal ever known to mankind. He loved you so much that he chose to die for you! He superseded getting on His knees and went an extra mile – His destination? The cross where He laid his life down, bled, suffered and died just to show you how far He is willing to go in demonstration of the depth of his love for you. You are worthy.  You are loved. Your are valued and precious in His sight. 

Remember that a proposal has value when it is given attention to by the one being proposed to. As long as the lady keep saying no to the guy’s proposal, his love means nothing. The day she says “yes” is the day she begins to experience the full manifestation of his love for her. 

You may not be eligible to attend the college of your dreams, qualify for a particular scholarship, or attain any good thing you may desire in life; but as long as you are alive and are breathing, guess what? You automatically without restrictions qualify for God’s love! Isn’t that amazing?! 

God loved you even before you came into existence! Even so, I am sure you may feel extremely distant from God, yet He is ever near. Even right now; in fact, He is persistently knocking on the door of your heart only if you will open and let Him in! When you allow Him in, He gives peace, satisfaction, joy, and love–for Him and for humanity. I am one of many who have experienced the aforementioned benefits of allowing God into my life.

It’s a new day, begin with Christ! 

Are you married to Christ? When was your spiritual wedding day and year?

With love, 
Mrs. Charity Umar
Founder, VYB 