This week (July 13, 2021- July 16, 2021), we were encouraged to express our perception of beauty. I was personally blessed by your contributions and understanding of beauty – you shared that beauty is not merely an outward show but rather an inner disposition that is manifested on the external mainly through virtuous character. Some of you highlighted God is the source of beauty, to which you were correct! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this crucial topic. 

A few years ago, I was inspired to write an article about beauty. I pray that you are blessed as you read the article HERE

In conclusion, Beauty is not merely the outward image of a person, but rather an inward virtue that only becomes present when one loves God and chooses to intentionally journey with Him in life. True beauty begins from within after we have allowed Christ into our hearts. 

As we become more and more knowledgeable of the Word of God and spend intimate time with Him daily, the beauty of Christ gradually radiates from our inner selves and eventually halos our entire being. 

God clothes us with His glorious glory as His brides and chosen ones. That glory becomes an aura over us that undeniably exudes Christ, and differentiates us from those who have not known Christ intimately and intentionally. 

My desire and prayer for you and I is that the beauty of Jesus be seen in us!

A song writer puts it like this: 

“Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,

All his wonderful passion and purity,

O thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,

Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”

I sincerely pray that we will prioritize our relationship with our Heavenly Bridegroom so that He will continue to beautify us from the inside out as His brides in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Thank you all for participating in our 3-part “Self Esteem” series! I pray that you have understood the importance of having our identity in Christ, been encouraged by how we should view our bodies in light of the scriptures and have known the source of true beauty. I pray that you have been blessed. By God’s grace, there are more exciting series to look forward to as we continue in our sisterhood. 

If interested and want to be a part of our community, you are welcomed to join our private WhatsApp group. Send me an email at [email protected] to gain access to the WhatsApp group or send me a DM on any of my social media platforms @mrs_charity_umar on instagram and Charity Umar on Facebook. See you in the WhatsApp group! This is a female-only group!

God bless you! 

Have a blessed weekend! 

-Mrs. Charity Umar 💕