VIRTUOUS YOUNG BRIDES: Time With the Bridegroom

A wife who fails to communicate with her husband is setting herself up for a failed marriage. Communication is a tremendous aspect of human life. There are different types of communication: verbal and nonverbal. Our ability to use the two types of communication appropriately will strengthen our relationships with our loved ones and colleagues and other interactions in the world. 

When it comes to our relationship with God, communication is essential. God, our Maker and husband desires to speak to us on a daily basis. His desire is to have an open dialogue with us without any disconnect. One way that we communicate with God is through prayer, reading and meditation on His word. It is important as brides of Christ to make time to speak and commune with our Heavenly Bridegroom. 

He longs to teach, correct, mold and encourage us as we spend time with Him. VYB seeks to encourage every bride to carve out time daily to spend with our Lord. Early morning is always a great time to spend with the Lord; however, a dedicated and intentional time with the Lord anytime within the day is also beneficial. 

Bride’s Daily Devotion should entail:

  • Prayer
  • Worship through songs
  • Bible reading, note taking and scripture memorizing 
  • Intercessory prayer (praying for others, the world etc)
  • Closing prayer to reflect lessons learned and grace to do the will of God

Materials for effective Daily Devotional/quiet time:

– A Bible

– A notepad/electronic note pad

– Pen/pencil

– Highlighters

– Head covering (1 Corinthian 11)

Every bride should be ready to share with the general group their Daily Devotional Inspirations (DDI)! During your devotional time with the Lord, what stuck out to you? What was inspirational? Were there any characters/ character traits that you admired? Were there any commands to abide by? 

By sharing, we will learn from one another and thereby grow in faith, fellowship and flourish! Let’s discuss further in our private WhatsApp group! 

If interested and want to be a part of our community, you are welcomed to join our private WhatsApp group. Send me an email at [email protected] to gain access to the WhatsApp group or send me a DM on any of my social media platforms @mrs_charity_umar on instagram and Charity Umar on Facebook. See you in the WhatsApp group!
 This is a female-only group!

With love, 
Mrs. Charity Umar
Founder, VYB 