Good Day to All! 🙂

So to kick off the blog, I’ve decided to put together a few specific topics that will be posted here in the very near future. Suggestions are more than welcome! Here are my topics; though, won’t necessarily be presented in the order below:

  • FashionModesty as it relates to all esp. Christians (mainly geared towards females as I can relate more but not limited to the male gender)
  • Naturally, Curly Hair Care: Hair style ideas
  • Health and Nutrition: Pictures–share some recipe ideas
  • Nature: Pictures of God’s wonderful handiwork & what it means to me! (P.s. I love flowers!)
  • Music: This is a Gospel Music ONLY zone!
  • General writings about life and my thoughts on certain subjects and words–yes, words

I am more than estatic to get started on these topics! I really pray that I can convey to you all the true beauty of Christ through these different areas of life!

Have a pleasant morning, afternoon, or evening!

God bless,
Charity 🙂