Who Am I?

This blog has taken a new turn by God’s grace! The domain name has changed from its previous and the Lord has given a new grace, inspiration, and commitment to write again. Therefore, it seemed appropriate to introduce or reintroduce the author behind the blog to help all readers have insight into who the writer is.

Hi, my name is Charity Boadi and I am the primary writer on this blog – Glory and Virtue. “…by the grace of God I am what I am…” -1 Corinthians 15:10. Below you will find out more about who I am. Happy reading!

I am a born-again Christian. This means that I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I understand and accept that God is the manufacturer of my life. The Bible which contains His Word is my manual for living. In the Bible are practical principles which I strive to live by on a regular basis. 

I am a pastor’s daughter. I was born to a pastor. Both of my parents have been laborers in the Christian ministry longer than I have been alive. I am forever grateful to God for the family I was born into, and the Godly upbringing and influence I have had.

I am the eldest of 5 children and one of two daughters. My parents have 5 children. Being the eldest to some degree was a challenge during the early stages of life. But in my adult years, I pray to be a righteous example to my siblings in all aspects of life.

I am a writer. From the early years of life, writing seemed to be a skill that came quite easily for me. In 2011 after being inspired by other blogs online, I decided to start my own blog but with a Godly spin on it – thus this blog was born. It was originally called ‘modestic.elegance’ but that domain name has been changed to reflect the new focus of the blog. The blog became a place where I shared my faith, inspiration, lifestyle, modesty, etc. The blog was a blessing to people. There were some inconsistencies with posting, but the Lord has renewed the desire to write once again. I trust God that the blog will continue to be a blessing to as many as will read the contents thereof.

I am a cook. I find cooking as a very important and fun skill for one to possess whether male or female. I actually really like food and cooking. My cooking skills have greatly improved within the last year and a half. I hope to share some dishes from my kitchen on this blog in the near future. 

I am a registered nurse. I am employed full-time as a Pediatric Private Duty Nurse. I primarily care for children that have various medical challenges. I perform most of my nursing services on a one-on-one basis.

I am a graduate student. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Nursing Organizational Leadership. I perceive that I have a leadership calling on my life in healthcare. Therefore, I desire to be a healthcare leader that impacts healthcare in a positive light as God helps and gives me the wisdom to do so. 

I am a minister. In my local church, I primarily serve in the music department as a praise and worship leader, and the youth and young adult ministry as a teacher, preacher, and mentor. I also enjoy sharing Jesus with others through Gospel tracts which I personally purchase for distribution.

I am a counselor: on various occasions, the Lord has given me the opportunity that through his wisdom, people receive advice regarding various aspects of their lives. It is a precious privilege.

I am an entrepreneur. I have had a long-term desire to establish my own businesses. My inspiration is innate and also gleaned from Proverbs 31:16 – that woman is a prudent investor of her resources among many wonderful and excellent virtues which I covet. In this regard, I currently have a retail clothing Closet and Boutique on the Poshmark app where I sell modesty-inspired, affordable, good quality and visibly appealing women’s clothing, shoes, etc. In the future, there are many ideas penned for entrepreneurial ventures which with God’s help, will come to fruition and be a blessing to society and the world.

I am a modesty ambassador. Modesty of dress is important to me. In fact, I love it! Modesty is my dress code and principle for wearing clothing. As a born-again Christian, I believe that it is important to reveal our identity in Christ and dignity through God-honoring apparel. I have modesty content here on the blog and on my YouTube channel.

I am a natural hair promoter and consultant: I believe that it is possible for women of African descent to care for their hair and experience health and length of their hair. I hope that my journey will encourage you that, it is possible to attain long, healthy, natural hair. I have natural hair content here on the blog and on my YouTube channel.

I am a social media influencer. This was actually a title that someone ‘gave’ me. As a social media influencer, I am perceived to be a positive light in the world of social media, to which I thank God because His light is shining, not mine. In addition, I receive plenty of messages from various people on all platforms on which I am connected such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc. Delays (in your perception) in response to messages are not denial or avoidance. Seldom will I respond to messages received immediately. I often appreciate God’s input prior to responding to people’s messages or sometimes, I am unable to get to them immediately. I want to be able to provide the best responses inspired by the Spirit of the Lord. Those that I am yet to reply to, no worries by the grace of God, you will get your response. Only, pray for me. Thank you.

I hope to bring some more interesting content on the blog. Write below with questions, comments, or anything in between.

Have a blessed day!